


American mezzo-soprano Denyce坟墓 delights audiences on opera, 音乐会, and recital stages across the globe. She attracted attention during her student days, graduating with a 音乐学士 from Oberlin 大学 Conservatory of 音乐 and an 艺术家文凭 from 新英格兰音乐学院 of 音乐. 随后, she’s been awarded honorary degrees from Oberlin 大学 Conservatory, 新英格兰音乐学院, 詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学, 中心大学, 威廉玛丽学院, and the 大学 of Saint Mary.

In her professional career, Graves has won many honors and prizes including Grand Prix du International de Chant de Paris, Grand Prix Lyrique l’ópera de Monte-Carlo, 玛丽安·安德森奖, Jacobson Study Grant through the Richard Tucker 音乐 Foundation, and Eleanor Steber 音乐 Award in the Opera Columbus Vocal Competition.

源自希罗底(莎乐美),土耳其人爸爸(耙子的进步)、朱迪斯(蓝胡子)到夏洛特(维特),多拉贝拉(Così fan tutte),朱丽埃塔(童话故事 霍夫曼), La Gran Vestale (Spontini), Frederica (路易莎•米勒)和艾丽卡(凡妮莎 |理发师)致玛格丽特(《浮士德的诅咒 |柏辽兹、卢克丽霞(强奸卢克丽霞 | Britten) to La Vida Breve (da Falla), Mere Marie (Dialogue of the Carmelites 【esball世博】到伯里孔(La Perichole |奥芬巴赫(Offenbach),美国(联合国Ballo),阿祖塞纳(Il Trovatore)、《老妇人》(老实人 |伯恩斯坦)和玛丽亚(棘鬣鱼 & 贝丝 | Gershwin), Graves stormed the world’s opera stages. The roles of Carmen and Delilah were her calling card roles at the Metropolitan Opera, 维也纳那大宅, 考文特花园皇家歌剧院, 布宜诺斯艾利斯科隆剧院, 旧金山歌剧院, 巴黎国家歌剧院, 芝加哥抒情歌剧院, 华盛顿歌剧院, 巴伐利亚那大宅, 维罗纳竞技场, 柏林德意志歌剧院, 皇家马德里剧院, 洛杉矶歌剧院, 休斯顿大剧院, 达拉斯的歌剧, 还有很多其他的.

作曲家, 舞台导演, opera companies have all collaborated with Graves in premieres of modern works including Margaret Garner (Danielpour), 玛妮的母亲(玛尼 | Muhly, Dragon(龙)格伦德尔 | Goldenthal), Emelda Griffin (冠军 |布兰查德夫人. 米勒(怀疑 |库莫)和玛德琳(三个ps3 | Heggie), many of which have been broadcast. 就像在标准剧目里一样, her performances in these new works proved her bona fides as a singing actress par excellence whose searing portrayals captivated audiences and critics alike.

Graves has recorded for BMG Classics | RCA Red Seal, NPR的经典, 索尼经典, EMI经典, 和德意志留声机公司. She was seen in the international Emmy-winning series 这所房子 in an episode about her debut performance at the Royal Opera House, and Denyce坟墓 Breaking the Rules (PBS)获得艾美奖.

While Graves was building an international career as a leading mezzo-soprano, she worked consistently as master class clinician, 法官的竞争, music and cultural ambassador, 和老师. 这两家公司, 音乐学校, and conservatories of music where she’s been a master class clinician include Levine School, 艾灵顿学校, 世界青年艺术家, St. 路易斯歌剧艺术家, 斯卡拉青年艺术家, Metropolitan Opera Young Artists, Kennedy Center Young Artists, 陷阱狼歌剧, 西棕榈滩歌剧院, 波士顿大学, Oberlin 大学 Conservatory, 南加州大学, 曼哈顿音乐学院, 皮博迪音乐学院, 新英格兰音乐学院, and the Universities of Maryland and Notre Dame.

乔治·W总统. 布什任命格雷夫斯为美国副总统.S. 文化大使, 她还游览了希腊, 德国, 委内瑞拉, offering master classes and singing workshops. Her voice is an emotional talisman during America’s traumatic 9/11 period, she sang high-profile services and events that were broadcast worldwide. She’s been invited to the White House for singing performances and as guest at state dinners. Graves recently performed during the Capitol ceremony for the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, with whom she had a close friendship.

Recent recognitions include inductions into the Academy of Achievement and John P. McGovern Award Cosmos Club, both in 2019, and she received the Ambassador of Arts Award in 2018. Graves holds in highest esteem than the honors of permanent installation in both the Smithsonian Museum National Portrait Gallery and the Smithsonian Museum National Museum of African American 历史 and Culture.

Still balancing her busy performing career and institutional teaching obligation, Graves accepts a small number of career-ready singers in her private studio. 作为teacher-mentor, she prepares them for singing competitions and Young Artist Development Programs, as they launch their careers. Her students have made important debuts at the Metropolitan Opera, 华盛顿国家歌剧院, 洛杉矶歌剧院, 巴尔的摩歌剧, 圣歌剧院. 路易, 歌剧特拉华州, 维吉尼亚歌剧, 萨拉索塔歌剧, 达拉斯的歌剧, Teatro Nuovo Berkshire Opera Festival, 那不勒斯歌剧, Hawaii Performing Arts Festival, Amalfi Coast 音乐 Festival, and Martina Arroyo Foundation; they’ve sung with Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Charleston Symphony Orchestra, Maryland Symphony Orchestra, 皇后交响乐团, St. Veronica Orchestra; and they have performed in venues such as Jazz at 林肯中心, Bruno Walter Auditorium 林肯中心, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, 肯尼迪中心.

自2012年以来, Graves has been Rosa Ponselle endowed chair at 皮博迪音乐学院 of John Hopkins University.